City of Carson

Public Hearing Regarding Sewer SRF Supplemental Loan

Regular Council Meeting Followed

June 11, 2007

Present: Damgaard, Pracht, Riddle, McClain (arrived at 7:32 PM) Absent: Hendricks

Mayor Taylor opened the regarding the $59,000 Sewer SRF Supplemental Loan at 7:30 PM. No one from the public was present. Riddle made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:31 PM, seconded by Pracht – 3 ayes.

Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.

Riddle made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Hendricks – 3 ayes.

No one from the public was present.

The Council reviewed a letter from Lindsay Ebertowski regarding the condition of her front yard at 622 French St . Mayor Taylor stated that the City Clerk should send a letter to the contractor, Rob Carley and request that the yard is re-seeded and cc: a copy of the letter to Ms. Ebertowski.

Damgaard made a motion to approve releasing Brenda Gonzalez's Medical Records if she comes to get her records herself and provide identification, seconded by McClain. Further discussion was held. Damgaard rescinded his motion.

Riddle made a motion to notify Brenda Gonzalez's attorney that if the Authorized Form would be signed in front of Notary we will release her records or Ms. Gonzalez (if able) may come to the Fire Station to pick up her medical records but she must provide proper identification, seconded by Damgaard – 4 ayes.

Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2007-18 (Ratifying, Confirming, and Approving Publication of Notice of Public Hearing- SRF ), seconded by McClain – 4 ayes.

Riddle made a motion to approve Resolution 2007-19 (Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action-Sewer SRF ), seconded by McClain – 4 ayes.

Damgaard made a motion to approve the form of Tax Exemption Certificate for the Sewer SRF, seconded by McClain – 4 ayes.

McClain made a motion to approve Resolution 2007-20 (Approving & Authorizing Form of Loan and Disbursement Agreement and Authorizing Issuance for Sewer SRF), seconded by Damgaard – 4 ayes.

Damgaard made a motion to waive the 1 st and 2 nd Readings , and approve the 3 rd /Final Read of Ordinance 185 (Adding Chapter 53 Pertaining to the Cutting of Grass & Weeds), seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes.

Riddle made a motion to approve paying partially the Housing Rehab Pay Requests as long as the amounts do not exceed the amount of the budgeted Housing Rehab Program funds and pay the remaining portion of the requests when the grant funds are available, seconded by Damgaard – 4 ayes.

Damgaard made a motion to accept Schemmer Associates Professional Services Proposal for Water Rate Study, seconded by McClain – 4 ayes.

Maintenance Reports were given regarding well level reports, Flood Damage to Tibbles Subdivision Lift Station and manholes, Cold Patching the streets, and plan of action to repair water line to Tibbles Subdivision.

City Clerk notified the Council that the City Attorney has responded on our behalf to Iowa Waste Systems form of proposed 28E Agreement regarding our request for equal representation.

Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2007-21 (Set Date for Public Hearing to Authorize Loan Agreement for Community Center to Pay off the Grant Anticipation Loan Note-7/2/07), seconded by McClain – 4 ayes.

Pracht made a motion to approve Resolution 2007-22 (No Camping In Park During August 1-4, 2007 for Carson Pro Rodeo), seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes.

Pracht made a motion to approve the Carson Community Rodeo's Beer Permit, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes.

Riddle made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda excluding the highlighted Fire Department Bills, seconded by McClain– 4 ayes. The Consent Agenda consisted of May 14, 2007 Minutes, June Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Municipal Infraction Report, Community Center Report, Sheriffs Report, Approved Building Permit Report, Clerk Report, and Fire Department Report.

Commissioner Reports: Riddle complemented the City Maintenance on the Jubilee Preparations around town.

McClain made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 PM, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes.

Attest: Brianne Duede, City Clerk
Lyndon Taylor, Mayor

City of Carson May 2007 Revenues: General $16,542.63; Road Use $4,166.77; TIF Revenues $29,565.29; Employee Benefit Levy $352.09; Tort Liability $352.11; Debt Service Levy $4,559.82; Community Center $1,549.69; Tibbles Subdivision $1.51; Water Revenue $8,721.06; Sewer Revenue $10,056.07; Garbage $4,570.53. Total Income $80,437.57.

City of Carson May 2007 Expenses: General $15,774.52; Road Use $2,678.75; TIF Expense $17,877.00; WWTP $3,685.00; Community Center $3,527.34; Tibbles Subdivision $261.50; Water $6,315.15; Sewer $7,948.56; Garbage $5,336.76. Total Expense $63,404.58.